Τετάρτη, Απριλίου 22, 2015

To be a poet

To be a poet is to be taller, to be bigger
Than men! It is to bite as if you’re kissing!
It is to give alms, although you are a beggar like
King of the Realm where only pain is missing!
It is to have a thousand desires for splendor
And do not even know what we want!
It is to have inside yourself a flaming star,
It is to have the condor’s mighty claw and wing!
It is to be hungry, to be thirsty of Infinity!
By helmet, golden and satin mornings…
It is to condense the world into one lonely cry!
And it is loving you, thus, hopelessly…
And it is you being soul, and blood, and life in me
And tell it singing to everyone!

Florbela Espanca (1894 -1930)
 Πίνακας: Yuri Annenkov

(Με αφορμή μια ανάρτηση της Eleonora Aggelou στο facebook)

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